
This is your one-stop hub for all essential tools and resources to streamline your workflow and enhance your partnership with us. This page is designed to provide quick and convenient access to everything you need.

Request Pick-up

Sending your case to EPIC is convenient with our local case pick-up service. We will gladly pick up your case if your practice is in our local area.

Connect Your Intra-oral Scanner

Connect your scanner to our services for all your fixed-restorative needs.

Payment Portal

Make payments instantly and securely.

Download & Print Rx Slip

If you need an Rx slip immediately, you can download and print one here.

Add Doctor Preferences

Tell us your preferences for your cases. EPIC will follow your preferences in all situations unless explicitly told otherwise on the patient’s Rx.

Rx for Clear Aligners

Use the following form for Clear Aligner cases.

Training Videos

Education videos on tips and techniques on the latest in restorative dentistry.

Shipping Boxes & Labels

Do you need shipping supplies? We will provide everything you need, including case boxes, UPS shipping labels, and Rx forms/booklets.

Excellence is never an accident; it results from high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution.
